Often times the cause of mistakes lies with people. For example, human error is a typical example. One of the way to reduce human error, increase accuracy and trust from their customers. We had done a service to modify and install sensor Pokayoke, performs by Keyence sensor Here is sample we installed Error-proofing Sensor to Punch machine for our customer.
Modification of temperature control system by adding existing ducts
Reasonable Wi-Fi Vibration sensor "Conanair" for simple diagnosis. CONANAIR was submitted NBTC TS 1035-2562.
How Conanair is different than other vibration monitoring device?
Let's get to know! What can we learn from vibration level, its measure result?
CONANAIR vibration monitoring systems offers advantages that canescalating efficiency and productivity, enhancing communication at workplace, reducing wasting time and providing real-time updates for immediate action.
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Aim of supporting hospitals that need medical equipment.