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Mito Kogyo (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. が2024年5月15日(水)から5月18日(土)まで、
BITEC(タイ・バンコク)で開催される製造業向け展示会「INTERMACH&SUBCON 2024」に出展し、
Mito Kogyo (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. participated in the 40th INTERMACH
held at Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC) in Thailand between 15-18 May 2024.
We had an information and exhibition booth for introducing our company and showing the products
such as Conanair (Handy Vibration sensor) , Lubroid products etc. 
Throughout the event, we had received great feed back
and the attention from visitors and customers to our products. 
If you are interested in our product and require more information,
please do not hesitate to share your feedback with us.

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